Rules and Regulations
ASL Version- 2023 NSAD Minutes Video
PDF Minutes- NSAD Softball Council Meeting – 2023
National Softball Association of the Deaf
Softball Council Virtual Meeting July 23, 2023
Commissioner Kevin Bella called the meeting to order at 8:07 pm (CST) via virtual.
Roll Call:
Board of Directors: Kevin Bella- Commissioner, Sheri Mize-Secretary, Brian Fruits- Treasurer, Ronnie Zuchegno- By- Law Chair, Mathis Hediger – Tournament Director, and Vance Rewolinski- NSAD Emeritus
North Quadrant Reps.- Whitney Riney, Scott Bradach,and Charles Trumble
East Quadrant Reps.- Alicia Johnson, Joseph Kolcun and Matt Thomas
West Quadrant Reps.- Jenna Ingraham, Kevin Bishop and Don Hanaumi-absent
South Quadrant Reps.- Stephanie Hurwitz, Alberto Pena and Paige Thompson
Reading of minutes:
The minutes from the Softball Council meeting in League City, Texas were posted on the NSAD website, no objections were made.
Executive Board Meetings – Aug. 7, Jan. 16, March 19, April 24, June 28, July 19 plus many were done by Marco Polo, emails and texts.
Officers’ Report:
Commissioner Kevin Bella:
- Appreciated that the coaches/players continued coaching
- His gratitude was expressed to the representatives from North, East, South and West..
- Appreciated that the board of directors worked as a team, they were volunteers, and spent many hours.
- Teamsideline-2nd year now succeeded so continued using this year since that program was very effective and organized, Bella added the ages so we can view the average of ages and see what we can improve.
- BOD officers (6 years:
- Fans tickets – zeffy online
- NSAD meeting-coaches
- We have 45 new players compared to 52 last year and 29 coaches.
Treasurer Brian Fruits:
- 2022 – finance report
Income – $27,009.27
Operating Expenses – $34,281.08
Loss of $7,271.81 due to fraud, explained about the situation with both banks. Still work on
and will keep us posted.
Secretary Sheri Mize:
Remind the coaches to email if their player cancels coming to Panama City Beach or add
the player to pay $25 at the Hotel.
Players/Coaches-to check in to verify with their Driver License and ID
Wristbands: Yellow-players, Green-fans (Combo) and orange (day pass)
Tournament Director Mathis Hediger:
Frank Brown sports complex – 9 fields
Concession/cooler – no beer/alcoholic beverages
Canopy Tents – allowed by the fences
Bat Testing (2 of them)
Seeding Round Robin Drawing will be held on Wednesday at 7 pm CST via Facebook live
Law Chair Ronnie Zuchegno, Jr.:
Law Committee members hibernated this season due to less complexation motions.
1.Pay Attention to the new rules
- 12 runs at 5th inning
- Possibly new time limit
Motion #7 tabled to 2023 from 2022
SB 22-07 moves that we change the time limit rule #7a:
Board recommends that we do this:
- Time Limit:
- Game length is seven innings or 55 minutes for round robin and 65 minutes for the bracket games.
Instead of:
- b) Game length is seven innings or 60 minutes for round robin and 70 minutes for
bracket games.
PASSED, it will be effective for this tournament.
New Business:
Motion #1
SB 23-01
NSAD Modified Rules, Women’s Rules, Co-ed Rules #8
Moves that NSAD women’s rules follow Co-ed rules in regards to hats.
Women – passed to be effective this year.
Motion #2
SB 23-02
Moves that we will follow the jersey number on the line up, not the names, and if the batter with the wrong number will be called out after the first pitch of that at bat.
Women, COED, & Men – PASSED, amended to eliminate first pitch. (FAILED)
Motion #3
SB 23-03
NSAD modified rule #12
Moves that NSAD announced 30 days prior to the start of play which softballs will be used during the tournament.
Women, COED & Men- PASSED
Motion #4
SB 23-04
Moves to have 2 Free Agents for men.
Amended to have age of 55 to consider 2nd FA – (FAILED)
Main motion to have 2 FA for men and has to be the age of 55. (FAILED)
Motion #5
SB 23-05
Rules & Regulations, Article 2, Team Eligibility rules, Section 2.5.1 –
Moved that Teams will be allowed to get a second Free Agent of 50 years old and older, however that player is ineligible for waiving CODA/SODA rule.
Women – dead – no action
COED/Men – amended that he can’t count as FA outside of the quadrant. (PASSED)
As the main motion that teams will be allowed to get a second Free Agent of 50 years old and older, however that player is ineligible for waiving CODA/SODA rule and can’t count as FA outside of the quadrant. (PASSED)
Motion #6
SB 23-06
Rules/Regulations, Article 1, Section 3 – Player Eligibility Rules
Moves that other than North and Central America, teams may have only one international player. It won’t be counted against FA rules.
Women, and Men – dead (no action)
COED – tied 3-3
Softball council – (PASSED)
Motion #7
SB 23-07
Bylaws Article 2, Section 2.2
Moves that Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh and Erie) players or teams shall choose either the North (Central) or Eastern (East) Quadrant. (FAILED)
Motion #8
SB 23-08
New – Hall of Fame Guideline
Moves that NSAD to set up an AD HOC committee to create the guidelines for Hall of Fame inductees. (PASSED)
Tournament sites (tentative)
2024- Not sure yet, either Kansas City, St. Louis, Dayton, or Fremont.
Charles Trumble announced that they will have the MAAD tournament during the Labor Day weekend in 2023.
Thanks – Heart Cruise for helping with Hotel deals and 350 towels to distribue players only.
Kevin Bishop (K5) – Deaf Dope for the jerseys that he created for the players.
Ronnie – Super Draft (3 teams) deadline to add at midnight.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm (CST)
Respectfully submitted,
Sheri Mize, NSAD secretary
ASL Version- 2022 NSAD Minutes Video PDF Minutes- NSAD Softball Council Meeting – 2022
National Softball Association of the Deaf
Softball Council Virtual Meeting
July 24, 2022
Commissioner Kevin Bella called the meeting to order at 6:09 pm (PST) via virtual.
Roll Call:
Board of Directors: Kevin Bella- Commissioner, Sheri Mize-Secretary, Brian Fruits- Treasurer, Ronnie Zuchegno- By- Law Chair, Mathis Hediger – Tournament Director, and Vance Rewolinski- NSAD Emeritus
North Quadrant Reps.- Whitney Riney, Scott Bradach,and Charles Trumble
East Quadrant Reps.- Kara Gulvas-absent, Joseph Kolcun and Joshua Strack-absent
West Quadrant Reps.- Hilda Velez-absent, Rod Jex, and Bert Enos
South Quadrant Reps.- Stephanie Hurwitz, Patrick Kinast, and Paige Thompson
Reading of minutes:
The minutes from the Softball Council meeting in Overland, Kansas, Charles Trumble accepted the minutes as read as Bert Enos seconded.
Executive Board Meetings – 9/01/2021, 3/29/2022, 4/15/2022, 5/2/202, 6/13/2022, 7/10/2022 and 7/17/2022 plus many were done by Marco Polo, emails and texts.
Officers’ Report:
Commissioner Kevin Bella:
- Appreciated that the coaches/players continued coaching
- His gratitude was expressed to the representatives from North, East, South and West..
- Appreciated that the board of directors worked as a team, they were volunteers, and spent many hours.
- Teamsideline-1st year of pilot last year, succeeded so continued using this year since that program was very effective and organized, Bella added the ages so we can view the average of ages and see what we can improve.
- We have 52 new players compared to 50 last year and 3 new coaches since last year there were 9 new coaches.
Treasurer Brian Fruits:
- 2021 – finance report (Overland, Kansas)
Income – $20,035.47
Operating Expenses – $24,580.44
Net Profit –$4,544.97 (Loss)
Secretary Sheri Mize:
Remind the coaches to email if their player cancels coming to League City or add the player to pay $25 at the Hotel.
Tournament Director Mathis Hediger:
- Please share with your players that there is a construction on I-45 going to the Big League Dream sports complex. Be there earlier as we will have the schedule on time.
- Dug out – shaded areas
- Canopy can be set at the specific location, can’t be near the dugout or the field nearby.
- We can bring a small cooler (only water bottles) nothing else, Mathis will ask Rudy to make sure what size of cooler, can bring pickle juice? He will get back to you.
- 5 miles to Kemah boardwalk.
- BLD – 3rd time as NSAD host.
Law Chair Ronnie Zuchegno, Jr.:
The law committee members were CJ Furzland, Cary McKeller, Kara Gulvan, Joseph Kolcun and Sheri Mize. He explained that the motions were held at all divisions (Coaches) meetings.
He mentioned that there are 2 that need clarification:
- Clarification on “Hearing Rules:
2.6.1 Only ONE (1) hearing per team.
2.6.2 Must play within the same quadrant.
2.6.3 Limited to on Family per team to be waived toward the Hearing rule.
2.6.4 No Hearing players are allowed to be a Free Agent.
Changed to:
2.6 CODA/SODA/Hearing Spouse rules
2.6.1 Only ONE (1) per team.
2.6.2 Must play within the same quadrant and Free Agent is not allowed.
2.6.3 Limited to on family per team to be waived toward CODA/SODA/Hearing Spouse rules.
CODA/SODA/Hearing Spouse rules:
- That person must be biological or legal related to Deaf Adults.
- Must be an immediate family member.
To activate the “waive CODA/SODA/Hearing Spouse rules:
- Deaf Adults must be on the roster and present at the NSAD tournament.
- Must have at least ONE (1) complete at bat during the bracket play.
- Opposite gender must be Head coach of the team and comply with Head coach duties.
The purpose of the waiver rule is to give Deaf adults a chance to play with family, and it is not for teams to take advantage.
We have 7 motions: the other 3 motions that were submitted after the deadline so will have these 3 motions next year.
SB 22-01 moves that we remove the whole part of By-Laws: Seconded and (PASSED)
Article 4: Section 2 – The Rules Committee
2.1 The umpire in chief shall pick at least five (5) person (s) to be on the Rules Committee.
2.1.1 One member shall be a male player on the Men’s team.
2.1.2 One member shall be a female player on the Women’s team.
2.1.3 One member shall be a player or coach on the COED team.
2.1.4 Two (2) members shall be an umpire.
SB 22-02 moves that we add to the duty of the Tournament Director: Seconded and (PASSED)
Article 2; Section 2 – Tournament Director
2.4.10 May appoint a Coordinator of Umpire scheduling.
- Shall be responsible for umpire schedules
- Shall be responsible for the umpire’s needs.
SB 22-03 moves that we remove the whole part of tournament policies: Seconded and (PASSED)
Article 1; Section 6
6.1.1 All umpires shall have an on-field clinic on either on Wednesday or Thursday, operated by an appointed Umpire-in-Chief (UIC).
SB 22-04 moves that we add this to Tournament Policies: Seconded and (PASSED)
Article 1; Section 6
6.1.1 Umpire in Chief (UIC) may be determined by Tournament Director with the current umpire roster at the tournament.
SB 22-05 moves that we add this to Tournament Policies: Seconded and (PASSED)
Article 6; Section 1
6.1 The tournament games shall be governed by registered USA softball, NSA or USSSA umpires, who are certified and listed in the ASA, NSA or USSSA Softball guide.
To this:
6.1 The tournament games shall be governed by certified umpires that are registered by any softball associations approved by NSAD.
SB 22-06 moves that we change NSAD modified rules #8c: Seconded and (PASSED)
Change from 10 runs to 12 runs:
Mercy Rule:
- Twenty (20) runs after completion of 3rd inning.
- Fifteen (15) runs after completion of 4th inning.
- Ten (10) runs after completion of 5th inning.
SB 22-07 moves that we change the time limit rule #7a:
- Time Limit:
- Game length is seven innings or 55 minutes for round robin and 60 minutes for the bracket games.
To add this: Game length is seven innings or 60 minutes for round robin and 70 minutes for the bracket games.
1st amended seconded to add 55 minutes for round robin and 65 minutes for the bracket games.
2nd amended seconded that being on trial basis.
tabled this motion to the next meeting, seconded and (PASSED)
New Business: will refer to the next NSAD softball council meeting.
- Riney’s motion related to women(no hats)
- Enos’ motion related to MLB,Semi-pro not allowed.
Election on the new commissioner, secretary and treasurer:
Kevin Bella – Commissioner
Sheri Mize – Secretary
Brian Fruits – Treasurer
Tournament sites (tentative)
2023 – Panama City Beach, FL – first weekend of August.
Charles Trumble announced that they will have the MAAD tournament during the Labor Day weekend in 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm (PST)
Respectfully submitted,
Sheri Mize, NSAD secretary
ASL Version- 2021 NSAD Minutes Video PDF Minutes- NSAD Softball Council Meeting – 2021
National Softball Association of the Deaf
Softball Council Virtual Meeting
August 1, 2021
Commissioner Kevin Bella called the meeting to order at 7:09 am (PST), before the meeting proceeded: Charles Trumble moved that we suspended the meeting article of 4.2 due to COVID-19 pandemic, seconded by Joshua Strack. (PASSED)
Roll Call:
Board of Directors: Kevin Bella- Commissioner, Sheri Mize-Secretary, Brian Fruits- Treasurer, Ronnie Zuchegno- By- Law Chair, Vance Rewolinski- NSAD Emeritus
North Quadrant Reps.- Whitney Riney, Scott Bradach,and Charles Trumbles
East Quadrant Reps.- Kara Gulvas, Joseph Kolcun and Joshua Strack
West Quadrant Reps.- Hilda Velez, Rod Jex, and Bert Enos
South Quadrant Reps.- Stephanie Hurwitz, Patrick Kintast, and Gwendolyn Haley
Reading of minutes:
The minutes from the Softball Council meeting in Joliet, IL and the executive board meetings were accepted as read.
Executive Board Meetings – 9/22/2020, 1/26/2021, 2/2/2021, 4/26/2021, 6/27/2021 and 7/28/2021 plus many were done by zoom meetings, Marco Polo, emails and texts.
Officers’ Report:
Commissioner Kevin Bella:
- Appreciated that the coaches/players continued stepping in despite of COVID-19 pandemic.
- COVID-19 impacted the year of 2020 but was glad to find the place at Overland Park, Kansas to host this year. Tournament was supposed to be at Fremont.
- We were busy trying to confirm the players’ proof of residence but it seemed to go smoothly, thanks to the coaches and the players for turning in when we requested.
- We, the executive board members, decided to purchase the software of Teamsideline for this year, it cost us $499 but it is worthwhile saving our time and easier to track.
- Shared the information that we have about 50 new players and 9 new coaches this year.
- We have had many meetings via zooms, Marco Polo, emails and texts.
- Shane, the softball complex staff asked us: how many states do the players, coaches and fans coming in this weekend. Replied with 40 different states.
Treasurer Brian Fruits:
- 2019 finance report (Joliet, Illinois)
Income – $24,887.73
Operating Expenses – $28,206.66
Net Profit –$ 3,318.93
- 2020 finance report (COVID – no tourney)
Income – $200.00 – team sent ½ registration fee for 2020
Operating Expenses – $348.40 – website and annual fees for the year
Net Profit – $148.40
Secretary Sheri Mize:
Thanks to the coaches/players for their quick responses via emails. Looking forward to seeing them at Overland Park, KS.
Law Chair Ronnie Zuchegno, Jr.:
Thanks to the law committee members, CJ Furzland, Cary McKeller, Kara Gulvan, Joseph Kolcun and Sheri Mize for the meetings to go through the motions. He explained that the motions were held at all divisions (Coaches) meetings.
Motion #1:
Moved that the tournament would be held on either of the last 2 weekends of July.
Currently: Section 3 ANNUAL TOURNAMENT DATES (Tournament Policies)
3.1 The annual NSAD Softball Tournament shall be held during the last weekend of July or first weekend of August.
Law committee’s Recommendation: Keep the first weekend of August and add the last 2 weekends of July.
All divisions amended to keep the first weekend of August and add the last 2 weekends of July. (Passed)
The main motion passed by all the divisions. (PASSED)
Motion #2:
Moved that the Hearing players are allowed to be Free Agent only if CODA/SODA/Spouse is on the team as an eligible player.
Currently: Section 2 TEAM ELIGIBILITY RULES (Rules and Reg.)
2.6.4 No Hearing players are allowed to be a Free Agent.
Law committee’s Recommendation: Oppose it.
Women – motion was dead with no seconds.
COED – Failed
Men – Failed (Motion was dead due to no one seconded)
Motion #3
Moved that the pitcher’s Courtesy Runner would not be counted against “One Courtesy Runner per inning.” Effective this tournament.
Currently: NSAD modified rules. NEW additional to #6
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor.
All divisions – passed (PASSED)
Motion #4
Moved that NSAD follows USSSA’s Gender Classification.
Currently: Section 3 PLAYER ELIGIBILITY RULES (Rules and Reg.)
3.6 A transgender student athlete should be allowed to participate in any sports activity so long as that athlete’s use of hormone therapy, if any, is consistent with the National College Athletic Association (NCAA) existing policies on banned medications. Specifically, a transgender student-athlete should be allowed to participate in sex-separated sports activities under the following conditions on NCAA’s On the Team: Equal Opportunity for Transgender Student-Athletes, for further details please visit pages 28-34.
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor
All divisions passed. (PASSED)
Motion #5
Moved that in the Co-ED game, if a man batter walked, he would always take 2nd base.
Currently:NSAD CO-ED Modified Rules
2… If the male batter walks, and another male batter succeeds the walked male batter in the batting order, the walked male batter would only be awarded one (1) base. If a female batter succeeds the walked male batter, the male batter will be awarded two (2) bases.
Law committee’s Recommendation: Opposed it. COED – passed (PASSED)
Motion #6
Moved that we revise our rules related to Championship game’s play time. First game of the Championship game will be 60 minutes or 7 innings (Mercy rule will be in place). The Second Championship game will be 75 minutes or 7 innings without Mercy rule.
Currently: NSAD modified Rules #6c TIME LIMIT
In the Championship game, Team A with one loss played against Team B with no loss will play 7 innings or 60 minutes. If both teams have 1 loss each shall play 7 innings with no time limit.
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor.
Women – failed
COED/Men- passed (PASSED)
Motion #7
Moved that we revise our rule related to hitting to pitcher. If the ball hit a hard line drive toward the pitcher, the location would be above waist to the top of head and between the shoulder. The pitcher must be within the pitching rubber. It will be an out and a dead ball. It is recommended for play to continue until the umpire calls a dead ball.
Currently: NSAD modified rules #13
Protected Pitchers: If the batter hits the ball to an indefensible pitcher, the umpire will decide if the batter is out. The ball will be live until the umpire stops the game.
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor. We would recommend “Head to toe”
All divisions – amended to be from Head to toe – passed
As the whole motion was passed. (PASSED)
Motion #8
Moved that we are allowed to have Team Representative meetings anytime within 14 days from the first game day of the tournament, and it could be held in person or virtual.
Currently: Tournament Policies 9.2 (NEW)
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor.
All divisions – passed (PASSED)
Motion #9
Moved that we are allowed to have Softball Council meetings anytime within 14 days from the first game day of the tournament, and it could be held in person or virtual.
Currently: By Laws Section 4 Softball Council
4.2 The annual meeting of the Softball Council shall be held in the NSAD tournament city on Thursday before the NSAD Tournament.
Law committee’s Recommendation: In Favor.
The motion was amended 14 days before and 7 days after the Softball council meetings (PASSED)
The second amended that the meetings must be virtual. (PASSED)
The last amended meeting will be 14 days after the softball council meetings to review. (PASSED)
The main motion is that we will have the Softball Council meetings anytime within 14 days from the first game of the tournament and 14 days after the final of NSAD softball tournaments and it must be virtual meetings. (PASSED)
New Business:
1.2 Florida shall be the destination for NSAD tournament site for a maximum of 3 years. (Passed 2019)
The execution board’s recommendation to change 1.2 : NSAD shall consider hosting at the State of Florida every other 3 years. (PASSED)
moved that we create these incentives for youth players. If a team has the following number of players 21 years old and under the team shall receive $15 per player discount toward team fee. NSAD shall refund after that player shows up at NSAD. (PASSED) in 2019.
Moved that we suspended this year and will continue next year due to COVID-19 and didn’t add the age into the teamsideline column. (PASSED)
Tournament sites (tentative)
2022 – Las Vegas or Houston
2023 – Panama City Beach, FL
The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheri Mize, NSAD secretary
ASL Version- 2019 NSAD Minutes Video PDF Minutes- NSAD Softball Council Meeting – 2019 NSAD Softball Council Meeting At Joliet, IL July 25, 2019 NSAD Commissioner Kevin Bella called the meeting to order at 3:52 p.m. Roll Call: Board of Directors: Kevin Bella- Commissioner, Sheri Mize-Secretary, Brian Fruits- Treasurer, Ronnie Zuchegno- By- Law Chair, Vance Rewolinski- NSAD Emeritus North Quadrant Reps.- Whitney Riney, Scott Bradach, Charles Trumbles East Quadrant Reps.- Alicia Johnson, Kara Gulvas, Joseph Kolcun West Quadrant Reps.- Hilda Velez, Rod Jex, Bert Enos South Quadrant Reps.- Patrick Kintast, Stephanie Hurwitz, Jose Amador Reading of minutes: The minutes from the Softball Council meeting in Clearwater, FL was accepted as read. Executive Board Meeting – 3 different meetings – accepted as read. Officer Reports: Commissioner Kevin Bella’s report: Appreciated Sheri and Brian for the work, Law-Chair Ron and Vance-Emeritus, Mathis-Tournament director. Silence Moment for Saul Gevarter (Video) showing by K. Bella – nice video.. Valid Driver’s license/ID – need to discuss the issue that we faced this year. Feel that they are playing games, and need to document more verifications. At this point, all players are cleared to play this weekend. Have fun and nice gathering with all players/teams. Next year- plan on west, hopefully Fremont or Salt Lake City. Secretary Sheri Mize’s report: Thanks for the effective communications among the coaches and players. Asked them to view the rosters that we posted on our website, need for the feedback or corrections. Treasurer Brian Fruits’s report: 2018 – $17,729.58 net profit $22,250.72 Expenses $39,980.30 Income 2019 – Total income $15,178.43 expenses-$12,033.76 = $3,144.65 (approx) not complete as the tournament is underway. By-Laws Chair Ronnie Zuchegno: Would appreciate it if they would send their motions in advance so we could work more effectively. Law Committee members-Ron, Joey, Cary, CJ and Sheri worked together and expressed the opinions to help NSAD via Marco Polo couple of times.
Motion #1
- EB moved that EB can approve any donation of $500 and under the purchase (not including taxes, shipping, etc) without approval by Softball Council.
- Amended $1,000
- As the main motion that EB can approve any donation of $500 and the purchase of $1,000 under (not including taxes, shipping cost, etc) without approval by Softball Council. (Passed as the main motion)
Motion #2 EB moved that we create these incentives for youth players. If a team has the following number of players 21 years old and under the team shall receive $15 per player discount toward team fee. NSAD shall refund after that player shows up at NSAD. (PASSED) Motion #3
- Moved that NSAD hosts the softball tournament in Florida every other year.
Amended by the Executive Board and Law committees to have a maximum of 3 years). As the main motion that NSAD hosts the softball tournament in Florida at the maximum of 3 years. (Passed) Motion #4
- Moved that the number in Article 1 – ELIGIBILITY RULES, 2.6.1 is increased from One (1) to Two (2) as in 2 Hearings Per Team. (Failed)
Motion #5
- Moved that the number in Article 1 – ELIGIBILITY RULES, 2.6.3 is increased from One (1) to Two (2) as in 2 Families Per Team. (Failed)
Motion #6
- Moved that NSAD allow non-players (coaches, managers, scorekeepers etc.) to be part of the 20-person roster. Non-players can be from any quadrant but cannot be involved in any part of NSAD games including pinch hitter/runner, courtesy runner etc. and shall not count toward the free agent limitations.
- Law committee amends that non-players will not be eligible for rule
“2.6.3 Limited to one Family per team to be waived toward Hearing rule.” (Passed) Motion #7
- Board of Directors moved that we change from:
- 4.2.1 Pairings for the games of Round Robin and/or bracket shall be drawn at Coaches’ Meeting.
- 4.2.1 Pairings for the games of Round Robin and/or bracket shall be drawn on Wednesday night before the tournament weekend. The drawing shall be live streamed using social media with reporters to address all necessary information. (Passed)
Motion #8
- Moved that NSAD donated $500 to Deaf Senior Citizen softball team to participate in a tournament in Las Vegas.
- Amended that we add Whacko to the team.
- Moved that NSAD donates $500 to Deaf Senior Citizen Whacko team to participate in the tournament in Las Vegas. (Passed as the main motion)
Motion #9
- Moved that NSAD to host the superdraft tournament. (Passed)
Motion #9A
- Moved that NSAD allow for a Senior Softball team at NSAD to create a team in the Superdraft tournament. (Passed)
Motion #10
- Moved that NSAD allows to make up a team that are on free agents list and NSAD will provide team shirts. (Passed)
Motion #11
- Moved that we change from 2 to 3 free agents for the Women division.
- 2.5 NSAD shall allow Free Agents as player: Men: one (1) any age, Women: two (2) THREE (3) any age. (Passed)
Motion #12
- Moves to add this: If the NSAD Executive Board has any compelling uncertainties about rule 3.3.1 for a player then he/she will be asked to provide one document from each of the three Groups outlined below. Players only need to show the mailing address part of the documents and they must be dated between June 1(previous year) and June 1 (current year). GROUP ONE
- Vehicle records (i.e. registration, lease, etc.)
- Employment records
- Car insurance documents
- Federal records
(i.e. Federal Tax, Social Security, etc.)
- State records
- Local (municipal) records
- Homeowner or tenant records
- Voter’s Registration
- Utility bills
(i.e., cable, Internet, gas, electric, water/ sewer, phone, mobile phone, heating, waste disposal) Any documents submitted as proof of residence must demonstrate bona fide continuous habitation as determined by NSAD in its sole discretion. (Passed) Motion #13
- Moved that we install this in our NSAD modified rule book that any batter that hit an indefensible pitcher would possibly result in an out. The decision will fall on the umpire to be effective this weekend. (Passed)
Motion #14
- Moved that we change the roster deadline to July 1st. (Passed)
Unfinished business: NONE New Business: SB 19-01: moved that we suspend Tournament Policies Section 3.1 for the year 2020. NSAD to host on the weekend of July 16-19. (Failed) SB 19-02: moved that we remove Designated Hitter in NSAD modified rule for Women Division. (Passed) Announcement:
- Tournament Sites (Tentative)
2020- Fremont/ Salt Lake City or South Quadrant 2021- Florida
- Have a great tournament this weekend!
The meeting was adjourned at 5:16 p.m. Submitted by Secretary Sheri Mize.
NSAD Softball Council Meeting Clearwater, Florida August 2,, 2018 NSAD Commissioner Kevin Bella called the meeting in order at 3:22 p.m. Roll Call: NSAD officers: Secretary Sheri Mize and Treasurer Brian Fruits N: Whitney Rainey, Scott Bradach and Charles Trumble E: Al Reins, Jenna Crosson, and Ronda O’Niell W: Larry Mosquera, Rod Jex and Alicia Johnson S: Stephanie Hurwitz, and Cary McKeller Reading of minutes: The minutes from Softball Council meeting in Henderson, Nevada was accepted as it reads. Executive Board Meeting – had about 10 meetings that we had via zoom. Officer Reports: Commissioner Kevin Bella’s report: *Been working on audiograms during in June, lots of them were cleared by talking with individuals via VP. *Website-worked on my own, will revamp after NSAD *Showed his gratitudes toward Sheri Mize and Vance Rewolinski that had assisting him with all informations regard NSAD in the past and present. *Thanks Brian Fruits for smoothly transition of finances. *Thanks Tom Mueller/Vance Rewolinski for the tournament in Clearwater that they had the hotels/fields contract being signed last year. *Thanks Scott Bradach for the logo that he designed for the tournament and he asked him what he would like for him to return the favors, he insisted a 12-pack of Coors Light in which he did. *Thanks Law Chairperson Ronnie Zuchegno and his committees. Secretary Sheri Mize’s report: no report Treasurer Brian Fruits’s report:
- Form 990 – been researching from 2002 to current. What was the factors, etc?
- 2018 NSAD finance report is on WAVE accounts (free software) to upload the revenues and expenses.
- Easy to group all categories to report form 990.
- NSAD is current standing on form 990 reports
- Incorporated by State of Kansas
- Our NSAD bank is Wells Fargo.
- All 2018 finance documented in our binder, if any question-feel free to ask.
- Shared the power point presentation of interesting facts.
- Paypal system – will do better next year just a simple and better to submit
By-Laws Chair Ronnie Zuchegno: *Been working with Cary McKeller, CJ Fuzerland, Joey Kolcun, and Sheri Mize as they were on AD HOC committee by using the glide to meet couple of times and revised all By-laws and regulations/rules. Motion #1 EB moves that we omit the whole part of ByLaws Article 1 Section 3.1 which states: “3.1 Annual team/individual membership flat rate of $125 (one hundred twenty-five) as listed on the team’s roster shall be paid to the NSAD Treasurer on or before July 1st annually.” (Passed) Motion #2 EB amendes that we rephrase the ByLaws Article 2 Section 1.2.2. 1.2.2 NSAD Softball Tournament Director shall make sure a suite room for the NSAD commissioner and 4 rooms for NSAD elected officers.” 1.2.2 NSAD Softball Commissioner shall make sure a suite room for the NSAD Commissioner and up to five (5) rooms for NSAD Board of Directors with financing contingency.” (Passed) Motion #3 EB moves that we remove ByLaws Article 2 Section 1.2.3 which states: “1.2.3 The NSAD Commissioner, Secretary and Treasurer shall receive five hundred dollars ($500) as an annual expense allowance.” (Passed) Motion #4 EB moves that we replace “worse” with “better” in Rules and Regulations Article 1 section 3.1 3.1 A player shall have a hearing loss of 55 db or greater in the worse “better” ear to be eligible. This rule is still subject to deliberation, therefore, not “fully implemented” or “subject to interpretation.” (Passed) Motion #5 EB moves that we add “….failure to meet requirements can be reviewed case by case with Executive Board.” at the end of first sentence in Rules and Regulations Article 1 section 3.1 3.1 A player shall have a hearing loss of 55 db or greater in the worse “better” ear to be eligible,” failure to meet requirements can be reviewed case by case with Executive Board.” This rule is still subject to deliberation, therefore, not “fully implemented” or “subject to interpretation.” (Passed) Motion #6 Joseph Kolcun moves that we omit the whole part in Tournament Policies Article 1 Section 4.3 4.3 For men division, if there are less than 20 teams, the “B” tournament will not occur. For COED division, if there are less than 10 teams, the “B” tournament will not occur.” (Passed) Motion #7 ED moves that we insert in a new Section 3 under Article 3 in Rules and Regulations. Section 3: Due process for all kind of misconduct behavior (physical/verbal abuse, threatening, any form of harassment, etc.) among all NSAD participants, spectators, and all other kind related to NSAD. 3.1 Executive Board shall type a letter with letterhead and email or mail within fourteen (14) days of incident. 3.2 The defendant has thirty (30) days after receiving the letter from NSAD to appeal. (NSAD Executive Board would assume that the defendant accept the charge and sentence if the defendant did not appeal within 30 days.) 3.3 When Executive Board receives the appeal from the defendant, they have fourteen (14) days to make decision. 3.4 If the defendant does not agree with Executive Board’s decision about the appeal, th defendant must send the letter to Softball Council within fourteen (14) days from Executive Board’s decision on the appeal. 3.5 Softball Council’s decision will be the final. (Amended to Quad liaison to replace Softball Council (3.4). (Passed) (Amended to appeal committee to 3.5) (Passed) The main motion was passed with the amended to 3.4 and 3.5. Motion #8 EB moves that we remove (one year trial) in section 4 under Article 3 in ByLaws. 4.2 The annual meeting of the Softball Council shall be held in the NSAD tournament city on Thursday before the NSAD Tournament. (One year Trial) (Passed in 2017) (Passed to remove the one year trial) Motion #9 EB moves that we rephase the Time Limit rule #6a in NSAD Modified Rules.
- Game length is seven innings or when the 65 minutes and no new inning after 60 minutes with the exception that if the between two teams in a game is 3 runs or less, they shall play one more inning.
Game length is seven innings or when the time run out with 55 minutes for round robins and 60 minutes for bracket game. Unfinished business: NONE New Business: SB 18-01: Moved to refer Law Committee. SB 18-02: Moved that NSAD give $500 sponsorship fee to Deaf Seniors Softball to participate in Las Vegas World 50+ men seniors softball. (Passed) SB 18-03: Moved that NSAD shall allow free agents (women) from 2 to 3. (Failed) SB 18-04: Moved “2.6.2 – must play within the same quadrant.” and “2.6.4 – No hearing players are allowed to be free agent to be removed.” (Failed) SB 18-05: Moved that Colorado moves back to North Quadrant. (Passed) The meeting was adjourned at 5:03 p.m. Submitted by Secretary Sheri Mize. ASL Version- 2018 NSAD Minutes Video
NSAD Softball Council Meeting Henderson, Nevada August 6, 2017 NSAD Commissioner Patrick Kinast called the meeting in order at 5:26 p.m. Roll Call: NSAD officers: Secretary Sheri Mize Cary McKeller, Ronnie Zuchegno, Joey Kolcun, Vance Rewolinski, Kevin Bella/Bert Enos, Saul Gevater, Alicia Johnson, Robert Rush, Nick Vernon, Scott Bradach, David Letkiewicz, Adan Rodriguez, and Candice Arteaga. Reading of minutes: The minutes from Softball Council meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana was accepted as it reads Officer Reports: Commissioner Patrick Kinasts report: * Picked Las Vegas over Reno, Southern California and Fremont due to availability and had a better relationship with field (Big League Dream) and hotel (Sunset Station) for NSAD 2017 *Ronnie Zuchegno (Law Chair) did a good job with Bylaws committee for overhaul bylaw. *Feel content with website. * Disappointed that we had 31 teams played for NSAD 2017, was the lowest since Portland. *Cary McKeller (Tournament Director) did fabulous job to run the event *Weather was not that bad and went smoothly for three days. *Big League Dream is great place to play and we should use their organization again *Thanks to crews, umpires, and volunteers for make this tournament success * Decided not to run for commissioner again. Secretary Sheri Mizes report: *Had the effective communications with coaches, appreciated that some of them sent the attachments of audiograms of new players. *Still had the problem of the forms that were not submitted for some reason. Treasurer report: Sheri Mize took over Rod Jex as interim. I had the two auditors who worked thoroughly the finance report and was not approved due to missing receipts. So it was not official until I gather all receipts and will email later. Stopped for a short recess with a dinner provided by NSAD at 6:05 p.m. then resumed at 6:40 p.m. Patrick Kinast shared his report of 2016 finance report with some questions that being inquired. By-Laws Chair Ronnie Zuchegno: *Been working with Cary McKeller, CJ Fuzerland, Joey Kolcun, and Sheri Mize as they were on AD HOC committee by using the glide to meet seventh time and revised all By-laws and regulations/rules. *Need to vote our NSAD By-Laws tonight and get it revised officially. Insert the (By-Laws) minutes Unfinished business: NONE New Business: SB 17-01: Moved that NSAD to remove $100 toward cash prizes from the entry fees. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 17-02: Moved that we amend to meet twice a year to commit via video chat. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 17-03: Moved that we create Mens, Womens and COED tournament bracket director. Seconded and (FAILED) SB 17-04: Moved that we host the annual tournament at Florida. Seconded and (FAILED) SB 17-05: Moved that Section 3.4 – 16 years old unless the insurance applies with parents signature. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 17-06: Moved that we allow: Only one (1) CODA instead of 2 for Women – (PASSED) CODA stays within its Quadrants- (PASSED) Maximum to 2 families per team – amended to limit one (1) family per team.(PASSED) CODA – cant be a Free Agent. (PASSED) amended to apply men only. (FAILED) (SB 17-07: Moved that the softball council meeting to be held on Thursday before NSAD tournament. Seconded and (PASSED) Amended that it will be one-year trial. Seconded and (PASSED) The main motion is that the softball council meeting to be held on Thursday before NSAD tournament on a one year trial basis. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 17-08: Moved that any new player(s) shall submit his/her audiology test before June 1st. If not then after June 1st it will be $20 fee. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 17-09: Moved that NSAD charge $200 for cash prize as the team entry fee and will charge $20 per player to cover NSAD expenses. Seconded and (referred to budget committee) SB 17-10: Moved that we open the discussion on Quadrant for 2 years trial. Seconded and (FAILED) SB 17-11: Moved that Board of Director is to appoint 4 liaison Quadrants and each quadrants must pick one female and one male. Seconded and (PASSED) The election of the officers: Kevin Bella – our new NSAD Commissioner. Sheri Mize – Secretary Brian Fruits – Treasurer The meeting adjourned at 12:53 a.m. Submitted by Secretary Sheri Mize. ASL Version-NSAD YOUTUBE
NSAD Softball Council Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana
August 14, 2016
NSAD Commissioner Patrick Kinast called the meeting in order at 9:15 a.m.
Roll Call:
NSAD officers: Secretary Sheri Mize and Treasurer Rod Jex.
Samantha De La Cruz, James Johnson, Saul Gervater, Cary McKeller, Frank Allnutt, Marti Hermann and Libby Pollard as our parliamentarian.
Reading of minutes:
The minutes from Softball Council meeting in Omaha, Nebraska was accepted as it reads with correction. (SB 5-9 should be 5-10 and 5-11 in order)
Officer Reports:
Commissioner Patrick Kinast’s report:
*Webmaster-was working during his volunteer time to transfer from the former to the current to update our website.
*VLOG-challenge for me as I was trying to vlog to do better from time to time.
*Challenges that I faced with visiting 2 parks that delayed in making the decision in a short period of time. Faced with several pros and cons to determine the site. Decided to pick ISOP Park due to being very cooperative and supportive from the park owner.
*We made it in one day playing all day on Friday from 7:00 a.m. until the end of the women’s championship at 3:00 a.m. then the men’s championship game completed at 4:30 due to the weather that was predicated with a possible storm next day.
*Was very pleased with the outcome of the number of participating teams (44 Teams) combined of 23 men, 8 women and 13 COED teams.
*Expressed the gratitude of having umpires that worked all day on Friday-12 games a day.
*Excited that we have Libby Pollard as our parliamentarian to help with the softball council.
*Developed the weather guidelines to deal with the weather issues, already sent the attachment of it to the coaches. Will need to approve during the new business meeting.
*The hardest part was the audiogram since there was H.I.P.A. issue that needed to waive, etc. Need to come up with any idea what we could do.
*By-Laws-need to revise and update as a whole.
*The explanation of increased fee was the reason of the park’s cost and set up the app of tourney machine that was cool that everyone could keep the updated information of the tournament during this weekend.
*Possible site of the tournament at California in 2017.
Secretary Sheri Mize’s report:
*Was very pleased with coaches as they kept communicating and feeding back with some correction of players’ roster.
*Enjoyed working with the coaches via email.
*Want to keep this kind of effective communication during the year of 2016-2017.
Treasurer report:
First part with Patrick Kinast during the last part of 2015 statement.
*Dec.30 must submit tax form, 2016.
Second part with Rod Jex’s report:
*Explained about the background of what had been pursued the career of working with finances and glad to be part of NSAD.
*Showed the operation format of revenues and expenses on the chart to give us the idea what it displayed.
*Balance as of current is $17,300 in checking account and $2,502 in saving account and the total is $19,802.
*Discussed financial report and received some questions among the members. The comparison of 2014 and 2015 was indicated with what will be needed to revisit with the projected budget.
By-Laws Chair Ronnie Zuchegno:
*Been working with Libby Pollard via glide to sort out with all the questions relating to the by-laws that needed to revise a lot, was not updated.
*Need to revise our NSAD By-Laws and insert with several policies as soon as possible by having the ADHOC meeting with 5 members to work with him.
Stopped for a short recess at 10:17 a.m. then resumed at 10:30 a.m.
Unfinished business: NONE
New Business:
SB 16-01: Moved that the tournament involve women’s teams in any upcoming plans or changes of plans to assure having the communication. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-02: Moved that NSAD accepts the submitted team registration from coaches only and no longer to requires any player to register. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-03: Moved that we appoint AdHoc to revise the By-Laws. Seconded and (PASSED) SB 16-04: Moved that we follow the current NSA rulebook without any modification. Seconded and (FAILED)
SB 16-05: Moved that we vote on the home run rules with same rule as 5 home runs limit or 2+ or 5 & up and 1+ hr. Seconded and (FAILED)
SB 16-06: Moved that we approved the weather guideline with the elimination of one statement as and if or how the tournament will proceed… seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-07: Moved that we give NSAD executive board to have the authorization to retest the player’s audiology at the tournament site. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-08: Moved that NSAD add the $5.00 player fee to the team entry fee to be designated for the prize money. Seconded and (FAILED)
SB 16-09: Moved that non-free agent list shall be picked in order by first come on the list when any team have less than 11 players at the present tournament. Seconded and (PASSED)
FIRST AMEND: To fill in the players at the tournament site not considered as Free Agent. Seconded and (PASSED)
The main motion: The list of any team have less than 11 players at the present tournament that we could fill in the players not considered as Free Agent. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-10: Moved that we withhold $100 from the team entry fee that will goes to the cash prize. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-11: Moved that we add the wording four (4) to replace eight (8) regions in ByLaws Section 2.1 and Section 2.2. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-12: Moved NSAD changes F/A rules from 1 any age, 1 over 30, and 1 over 35 to 3 any ages for Women. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-13: Moved that we allow NSAD to host the tourney site at Sioux City, Iowa during 2019. Seconded and (PASSED)
First Amend: Moved that on the contingent of receiving the confirmation letter from Sports Authority Co within 60 days. Seconded and (PASSED)
Main Motion: Moved that we allow NSAD to host the tournament site at Sioux City, Iowa during 2019 on the contingent of receiving the confirmation letter from Sports Authority Co within 60 days. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-14: Moved that NSAD to set up ADHOC committee to look into feasibility of adding the new divisions. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-15: Moved that we spend 15 minutes to discuss framework of By-Laws revisions. Seconded and (PASSED)
SB 16-16: Moved that NSAD to host during the last weekend of July or the first weekend of August. Seconded and (PASSED)
The meeting adjourned at 12:43 p.m.
Submitted by Secretary Sheri Mize.