2020 NSAD Softball Tournament Cancelled as COVID-19 Precaution
Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley N
32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd, Union City, CA 94587
(510) 489-2200
Group Rates:
$99 per night
Hotel Cancellation Policy
Group members may cancel no later than 2 weeks before day of arrival.
Travel Information
San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
(45-60 mins to Fremont)
Oakland International Airport (OAK)
(30-45 mins to Fremont)
San Jose International Airport (SJC)
(20-40 mins to Fremont)
Depending on traffic
July 30 to August 2, 2020
Free Agent Players
Jacob Cowie, FL jakecowie@gmail.com |
Jeremiah Sabin, OKLA Jjnixsabin@gmail.com |
Zack Kremer, IND zmk042996@gmail.com |
Natasha Rodriguez, NJ natasha4789@gmail.com
Jeremiah Sabin, OKLA Jjnixsabin@gmail.com
Robert Milone, PA robertmilone.1005@gmail.com
Victoria Parker, PA Momof2girls2025@icloud.com
Register your team
NSAD PAYPAL- $400.00
Black Widows
Midwest Elites
Tournament Schedule
Rev. 7-14-19
Uniforms and Equipments
- Teams are required to wear like uniforms. The pants and shorts can be mixed as long the same colors. Hats are optional. As long the hats are same design to all players. (MEN/ WOMEN ONLY) NSAD
- Teams are required to wear like uniforms only on jersey shirts including team members. (CO-ED ONLY) NSAD
- Players shall not wear shoes with metal cleats. (NSA)
- Pitchers are required to wear face masks (NSAD)
- Bats approved ASA, NSA and USSSA (watch out for the updated of banned bats) (NSAD)
- All players’ bats must pass barrel compression test to play. (NSAD)
Pool Games will have the following:
1) 7 innings or 55 minutes.
2) There shall be a running clock by the home plate umpire.
3) Games will be called for Mercy Rulings after the specific number of complete innings
* Twenty (20) runs after three (3) complete innings
* Fifteen (15) runs after four (4) complete innings
* Ten (10) runs after five (5) complete innings
4) No extra innings (game can end as tie)
Elimination Bracket Games will have the following:
1) 7 innings or 60 minutes (Due to unpredictable weather)
2) There shall be a running clock by the home plate umpire.
3) Games will be called for Mercy Rulings after the specific number of complete innings
* Twenty (20) runs after three (3) complete innings
* Fifteen (15) runs after four (4) complete innings
* Ten (10) runs after five (5) complete innings
4) If game is tied at end of 7 innings or time expires,Tie Breaker will be used as Omaha Tie Breaker (OTB) except for the championship game. With a last batter from previous inning will start at 2nd base. The next batter in the line up will start with a 2-2 count with 1 courtesy foul. This procedure is repeated until a winner is declared.
5) NOTE: In Championship game, Team A with one loss play against Team B with no loss will play 7 innings or 60 minutes. If both teams have 1 loss each shall play 7 innings with no time limit.
Game Rules:
- THE LINEUP CARD must submit to the other team’s scorekeeper or umpire before 10 minutes of the game. The card included with player’s last name with one letter of first name with number of jersey. Also the substitute player must be in the lineup card. (NSAD)
- GRACE PERIOD: There will be no grace period for any scheduled games unless the tournament director or Commissioner grants to have a grace period. (NSAD)
- HOME AND VISITOR: it will be determined by a coin flip. (NSAD)
- TEAM COMPOSITION: Teams may start with eight (8) players and add up to ten (10) once the game has started. (NSAD)
- A team that starts the game with 8 or 9 may add additional players after the game has started. (NSA)
- These players should be placed at the bottom of the line-up.
- Teams playing with 10 or 11 players may finish the game with 8 players, but the vacated spots in the line-up will be an automatic out, regardless of the reason for the player’s inability to play. (NSA)
- HOMERUN LIMITS: Limit five (5) homeruns per game. (A homerun is a ball hit over the fence) Any homerun hit after the permitted amount will be ruled an OUT. (NSAD)
- It is each team’s responsibility to retrieve its own foul balls or home run balls. They should be returned to the home plate umpire. (NSAD)
- Pitching distance- 50’- 56’ (PARK)
- Pitching arc is from 5 feet to 10 feet arc pitch from ground. (NSAD)
- Show-boating is allowed within 5 seconds limit otherwise a ball will be called. (NSAD)
- When going from Offense to Defense (after 3rd out)- you have 1 minute before umpire says pitch
- No warm-up for infielders/outfielders after 1st inning. The starting pitcher and any new inserted into the game will be allowed 3 warm up pitches and 1 warm up pitch the following innings.
- BALLS-STRIKE RULE starts the count 1 ball and 1 strike on all batters with one courtesy foul after the batter has 2 strikes on him/her. (NSAD)
- STRIKE ZONE will include any part of mat and back part of black home plate. (NSAD)
- COURTESY RUNNER- one player per inning per team. The Courtesy Runner can be any player on the team roster who is present and eligible If courtesy runner is on base and it is his/her turn to bat the courtesy runner stays at the base and an out is recorded. You may not have a courtesy runner for a courtesy runner. (NSA)
- Designated Hitter (WOMEN DIVISION ONLY) – The designated hitter that marked with the asterisk on the line-up card right before the start of game shall be awarded two bases for any kind of walk (international or getting 3 balls during the same at bat, drawing a walk) that she receives in a game.
If the rule is not listed, please go to NSA rulebook
CO-ED Modified Rules
- 6-4 Co-ED Slow pitch, (6) males and four (4) female players.
- NOTE: A female CAN be a pitcher in a 6/4 format, but a male must be the catcher. The other females can play any other position, other than pitcher, without regard to any specific number of infielders or outfielders being male or female, but must still have 1 female in both infield and outfield.
- The Batting order in 6/4 tournaments shall be no more than two (2) male batters in a row. After two (2) male batters, there MUST be a female batter. If the male batter walks, and another male batter succeeds the walked male batter in the batting order, the walked male batter would only be awarded one (1) base. If a female batter succeeds the walked male batter, the male batter will be awarded two (2) bases.
- No more than six (6) male player may play defense at one time
- If the extra player (EP) is used, a team must use two (2) extra players, one male and one female. These players may play defense at any time, but they must retain their original positions in the batting order. The batting order must remain the same unless a substitution is used in the offensive line-up.
- NOTE: When a team is using the extra player(s) (EP), and in the event a player or players are removed for any reason during the course of the game and no substitution is available, the player removed shall be scored as an out when his/her turn comes up in the batting order. In the event this occurs, the player immediately following the removed player is simply bypassed as a batter, but may still remain in the game as a defensive player.
- A Courtesy Runner (which is not recorded as a substitute in the line-up) and of the same sex, may be used for one (1) male player and one (1) female player per inning. The Courtesy Runner can be any player on the team roster who is present, eligible and not been ejected and may be used for one (1) male and one (1) female player per inning per team. The Courtesy Runner DOES NOT have to be the same player each time the player in need of the courtesy runner becomes a runner. The courtesy runner will be entered into the game by the Head Coach through the home plate umpire before play resumes. Once play resumes by the umpire declaring play ball; that courtesy runner will be officially entered. If the courtesy runner comes to bat while on base, the courtesy runners spot in the batting order becomes an out and the next batter listed in the batting order comes to bat. The courtesy runner “MAY NOT” under any circumstances be substituted for. The defensive team “MAY” walk to get to the vacated spot in the lineup. (ONE YEAR TRAIL @ 2017)
- HR Rule is Plus One (1) the first HR over the limit will be declared an out. (Passed in 2017)
- CODA/SODA RULE: Allow 1 hearing male player and 2 hearing female players to participate on COED team. (Check Hearing Player Rules) Note: See the Glossary of “hearing player”
- UNIFORMS: Teams are required to wear like uniforms only on jersey shirts including team members.
Seeding will be based upon the results of all Pool Games with the following priority:
1. Won-Loss Percentage
2. Head to Head record
3. Run differential (total runs scored less total runs allowed for pool games)
4. Fewest total runs allowed for pool games
5. Coin Flip
NOTE: #1- Run Differential – If none of the teams defeat the other two teams then a three-way tiebreaker occurs:
For example:
Team A, B and C are tied. Scores were:
Team C 10, Team B 5
Team C 10, Team A 11
Team B 10, Team A 2
Team A has a run differential of: +1, -8 = -7
Team B has a run differential of: -5, +8 = +3
Team C has a run differential of: +5, -1= +4
Team C is declared the winner (+4) and Team B (+3) is declared runner up. If the remaining
two teams that are still tied for qualifying spot, tie breaker will revert back to #2 see above.
NOTE: #2– MAX Runs (Ex.) Team A won by 31 runs in 3rd inn. (36-5). Max runs will be used 20.
For example:
Team A 36, Team B 5 (3rd inning), score will be recorded as 25-5 (20)
Team B 21, Team C 2 (4th inning), score will be recorded as 17-2 (15)
Team C 20, Team A 9 (5th inning), score will be recorded as 19-9 (10)
Team A has a run differential of: +20, -10 = +10
Team B has a run differential of: -20, +15 = -5
Team C has a run differential of: -15, +10 = -5
Team A is declared the winner and Team B is declared runner up (head to head)
“Gevarter” Bat Tester schedule
Thursday- 12pm to 5pm@ Clarion Hotel Joliet Convention Center
Friday- 7:30am to 1pm@ Inwood Softball Complex
2020 Coaches/ Softball Council Meetings
When: Thursday, July 30, 2020
Women Team Coaches Meeting- 12:30pm to 1:15pm
COED Team Coaches Meeting- 1:15pm to 2pm
Men Team Coaches Meeting- 2pm to 2:45pm
Board of Directors:
- Kevin Bella- Commissioner
- Sheri Mize- Secretary
- Brian Fruits- Treasurer
- Ronnie Zuchegno- Law Chair
- Vance Rewolinski- Emeritus
- – Tournament Director
- – UIC
- All Coaches
- Umpires- (Optional)
Drawing Committee:
- Women-
- Men-
- Roll Call
- Player’s Confirmation List
- Tournament/ Game Rules
- Line-up / Statistics
- All- Stars
- Open Discussion / Questions/ New Business
- Seeding Round Robin Drawing
Please be sure to review the tournament and game rules.
Thursday, July 30, 2020 3pm to 5pm
Board of Directors: Kevin Bella- Commissioner, Sheri Mize-Secretary, Brian Fruits- Treasurer, Ronnie Zuchegno- By- Law Chair, Vance Rewolinski- NSAD Emeritus
North Quadrant Reps.-
East Quadrant Reps.-
West Quadrant Reps.-
South Quadrant Reps.-
Thursday, July 30
Crowne Plaza Silicon Valley N
11am – 6pm
Please arrive in time for the meeting.
11:00am – 11:45am- Women Teams Coaches Meeting
11:45am – 12:30pm- Coed Teams Coaches Meeting
12:30pm – 1:15pm- Men Teams Coaches Meeting
1:30- 3:30pm- Softball Council
Friday, July 31
Fremont Softball Complex
7am – 5pm
7am – ??
Men Round Robin/1st and 2nd Round/ Women Round Robin
Opening Ceremony at 12:00 p.m (tentative)
Fremont Softball Complex
Saturday, August 1
Fremont Softball Complex
7am – 7pm
Fremont Softball Complex
7am-End of Tourney: Men/Women Brackets
The Hall of Fame Ceremony will happen before the men’s championship game
Awards will be given out after the championship game.
COED- Round Robin
Fremont Softball Complex
Sunday, August 2
Fremont Softball Complex
7am – End of tourney
Fremont Softball Complex
7am-End of Tourney: Co-ed Bracket
Fremont Softball Complex

Kevin Bella

Sheri Mize

Brian Fruits

Vance Rewolinski
Commissioner Emeritus

Ronnie Zuchegno Jr.
Law Chairperson

Mathis Heidger
Tournament Director